grown-up prom

March 10th is the Hospital’s ball. (Did you know I do Marketing for a Health System? Well, I do.)  The ball is prom for big people, and with my admitted shopping problem, I am pumped to have yet another reason for a new dress. I have a vision in my head of a black lace dress and nude pumps, classic and sexy. Between Piperlime, and my new favorite boutique from Australia, Esther, I thought I would be guaranteed to find the perfect ensemble, but I have been on a spending freeze for the month of February, and it takes 3 weeks to get something from Australia. Boo, because I really want one of these dresses!

So, Tomorrow, March 1, when my self-inflicted spending freeze  is lifted, I will begin shopping for dresses from a much less exotic location. Sad face.


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One thought on “grown-up prom

  1. Hayley says:

    First, Esther is great.
    Second, Can I dress shop too?
    Third, please buy the first one 🙂

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